Monday, July 16, 2012

My Net Friend

Since I get to know how to use internet and own a laptop..I make a friend with people on the net..we talk about anything and sharing information..but then I've got to keep myself away from certain of them..they make me felt uncomfortable..but last year I know this Korean girl and she is sweet..we email each other..recently I'm felr so curious towards her..why did she never share who is she? No picture and etc..hmmmm..I will be her friend and hope that she felt the same thing :-)

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Thursday, July 5, 2012

Sweet Memory

Every pieces of life that I'll pick brought pain and sweetness in this life.
Don't get hurt easily pick the brooken pieces,
Life brought good lesson to us as human being,
The sweetest memory in my life when we as a famuly gathering together,
But it's broken a million pieces,
What a mess

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